Need for Speed montages – Complete guide and helpful tips

by Ismael
0 comments 2 minutes reading
need for speed modded

In my spare time for some time now, I have been recording montages about car videogames, since I think that, as the modeling and details are so focused on the same subject (in this case cars), videos or even photos end up coming out (which you can see in my TikTok) almost hyperrealistic.

Today I will explain the tool I use to record these montages, which is a modification for these games.

It should be noted that the final result also depends on other factors such as, external editing, other modifications to Need for Speed oriented graphics, colors, tones, etc. 

Camera Toolkit V2

Although this guide below is primarily focused on NFS: Heat, I think it is more visually beautiful for recording this type of video. It also works perfectly in NFS: Unbound.

This modification consists of a tool created by ARCHIE, a Need for Speed user, to control the camera in-game, in addition to other features that I will mention below:


  • Free mode.
  • Attach to car.
  • Looking at the car.
  • LOD distance correction.
  • Game speed, allows you to change the speed of the game or pause the game completely, no need to wait for the photo mode to start. You can be creative with this, such as pausing the game while the day/night change occurs.
  • Create camera nodes and play tracks in each mode.
  • Hides the game's HUD to make clean shots.
  • All parts are optional, which means that you can remove them all from your car (or your character).
  • No vinyl restrictions, makes all vinyls paintable and mirrorable.
  • Sin restricciones de piezas, elimina todas las restricciones de las piezas visuales del coche, lo que significa que ahora puedes, por ejemplo,
    combine bumpers and fenders that should not be installed together.
nfs heat camera toolkit

Original image from the NFSMods website by @ARCHIE




Drop the "CameraToolKit" folder anywhere on your PC.
2. Start the game and press alt-tab.
3. Execute "CameraToolKit.exe”.
4. Edit the settings to your liking, after that click on the button Inject.
5. Return to the game window.

With this done you would already have your Camtool installed. Here is an example of the types of videos you can make with this modification.


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