Humble Bundle prepares a pack for SimRacers

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humble bundle victory lap pack

Humble Bundleis preparing that favorite pack for SimRacers once again, where you can get the latest simulators for a greatly reduced price, as well as contribute to charitable organizations with that money. The Victory Lap is available again.

Humble Bundle is an online store that offers packs of video games, software, eBooks, and other digital content at very affordable prices. Its most outstanding feature is the focus on philanthropy and charity. The store operates under a "pay what you want" model, which means buyers can choose how much they want to pay for the packs and customize how much they want to go to charities, creators, or the Humble Bundle.

Victory Lap, a pack for SimRacers

This pack includes most racing simulators for a minimum price of €11.68.

Our ultra-popular lot of acclaimed and authentic racing simulators is back for a victory lap! Experience the realistic thrill and atmosphere of VR-supported editions of Assetto Corsa Ultimate Edition and Assetto Corsa Competizione. Buckle up for the full Brazilian motorsport simulator Automobilista 2 (compatible with VR). Get ready for NASCAR Heat 5 Ultimate Edition, rFactor 2, and more, and help support the charity of your choice!

By paying that price, you get the following simulators included:

You can purchase this pack here: The Ultimate Racing Sim Bundle «Victory Lap»

Of course, all the games in this pack must be redeemed on Steam. You can check the requirements for each simulator by clicking here.

See you on the track!

*The links contain affiliate links, for which we receive a small commission for sales. The price for you will be the same.


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